Friday 23 September 2011

Box Office

This is useful as it gives box office figures for the opening weekend showing that A Nightmare on elm street, despite having an interesting twist on the typical slasher genre, didn't do too well when it was first released. This could be linked to the fact Wes Craven had a hard time finding a producer for the film. It also suggests that it maybe didn't give the audience of the time what it was looking for. However, it could also be due to the fact that the film was Craven's jump to major studios. The site also gives a 'Total domestic gross' and allows readers to grade the film which is useful as it suggests the film now has a cult following.

Wednesday 21 September 2011


This is an interview with Wes Craven, the director of A Nightmare on Elm Street. This is useful as it talks about stereotypical antagonists within the genre and says that none match the 'cultural impact and longevity of Freddy Kruger'. It also talks about Craven’s variations on these stereotypes. It shows that Craven had problems with producing the film because there were already so many slasher films on the market such as Friday the 13th. It mentions Craven’s inspirations and how he wanted to create something ‘beyond slice-and-dice’.

Friday 16 September 2011


This review of The Evil Dead is very useful as it mentions the films inspirations and how it both conforms and deviates from typical conventions. "Unbound by cinematic convention". It also details a shocking scene which 'condemned the film to the infamous nasties list'. This title appealed to the audience's morbid curiosity.


A Nightmare on Elm Street Trailer:

Child's Play Trailer:

The Thing Trailer:

The Evil Dead Trailer: